Thursday 21 November 2013

Journey Drawings

Marina, Junie and I decided to create a drawing machine together. We wanted to create a simple design that would record a journey. We used a box that was attached to our bodies, watercolour paper, and ceramic beads that were placed into ink and dropped onto the wet paper which would record the movement. We first tried walking with the box, then running up and down the stairs and finally a record of our dance movements. Above is our video to our drawing machine and below are pictures of how what we used and the final results. 

Drawing Process, Ceramic beads move around the wet paper to create colourful lines and ink blots
Walk Drawing

Step Drawing
My Dance Drawing

Junie's Dance Drawing

Marina's Dance Drawing

I really enjoyed creating these drawings with our body movements, and was surprised to see the outcomes of all the different types of movements. Another factor that created a difference was how wet the paper was and how much ink was on the ceramic bead. Overall to take this drawing machine further we would attach it to dogs or trees to record natural movement.

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