Thursday 21 November 2013


The first sketchbook that I made has a concertina type fold. Made from an A1 sheet then folded in to halves until formed an A5 size using a bone folder. I unfolded it and cut the grid and left one rectangle on the right then on the next row cut down the line and left the last rectangle. This technique then creates a fold that opens vertically and horizontally. I then used a hard cover to finish the sketchbook. The result is very elegant and has a different element as it is not bounded.

The second sketchbook that I made was a very simple way of book binding. The technique that I used is called 'Saddle Stitch'. Using 5 holes made with an awl, and used thread to join the graph paper and cover together. The process was very easy however I would be more precise with measurements and folding to improve this simple sketchbook.

Overall, bookbinding and creating sketchbooks has a very fulfilling result, I believe that by creating your very own sketchbook it then becomes a personal treasure. There are so many ways of bookbinding that it really is an amazing subject to look into and try.

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