Sunday 13 October 2013

Open minds

Carmenne Manoto, aged 5 a young girl who drew this for me as a gift. Pinned onto my notice board as a keepsake memory, this simple drawing consists of shapes and lines, although it has no significant resemblance of me or her that connection of two lines which indicates us holding hands puts great meaning into the drawing.

An inspiring presentation by Professor Farthing about drawing and sketches gave the perfect introduction. It was motivating to listen to the history of how humans initialised the techniques of drawing, the ideal definition of drawing, and the various elements that lye within drawing.

"two dimensional rendering of a three dimensional event."
 Professor Stephen Farthing

I chose to share the picture above because Carmenne's intention was to draw the age difference, subtle quality of my long hair and her short hair and most importantly the relationship between us. She wasn't worried about proportion, symmetry or how realistic the drawing would look, she drew it out of enjoyment and happiness.

Drawing is a skill that is fuelled with practice, every one can draw but do we have the patience and passion to pursue it?

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